Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition. 1. Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Presentation of the Library Board's Annual Report by Hugh Brown, Vice-Chairperson of the Library Board.
Calendar. * April 28 - Great American Cleanup/Bossy Boots Drive/8 a.m. - 1 p.m. * April 28 - Medication Disposal/Allen City Hall/8 a.m. - 1 p.m. * April 30 - May 8- Early Voting Period for May 12th AISD General Election
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition. 1. Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Presentation of the Library Board's Annual Report by Hugh Brown, Vice-Chairperson of the Library Board.
Calendar. * April 28 - Great American Cleanup/Bossy Boots Drive/8 a.m. - 1 p.m. * April 28 - Medication Disposal/Allen City Hall/8 a.m. - 1 p.m. * April 30 - May 8- Early Voting Period for May 12th AISD General Election