Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Recognition of the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
4. Approve Minutes of the November 24, 2015, Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council. 5. Adopt an Ordinance Approving and Enacting Supplement No. 12 to the Code of Ordinances. 6. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contracts of $50,000 or More for Personal Services and Delegate Signatory Authority to a Parks and Recreation Designee to Execute Contracts for an Amount Less than $50,000, as Provided in the Approved 2016 Budget for Various Parks and Recreation Centers and Programs for an Annual Amount not to Exceed $525,090. 7. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contracts of $50,000 or More for Personal Services and Delegate Signatory Authority to a Parks and Recreation Designee to Execute Contracts for an Amount Less than $50,000, as Provided in the Approved 2016 Budget for The Courses at Watters Creek for an Annual Amount not to Exceed $285,000.
Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development and Use Regulations of Lots 2, 3R, 4 and 5, and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 6.862± Acre Portion of Lot 3R, Generally Located on the Northwest Corner of US 75 and Bethany Drive, and in Tracts 10A and 10B of Planned Development No. 55, for the Millennium Office Park/Allen Convention Center.
Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend Various Definitions and Sections of the Allen Land Development Code Regarding Residential Accessory Uses, Medical Office and Urgent Care Facilities, Telecommunication Towers, Parking Lot Lighting, Sign Regulations, the Recommended Tree List, and Related Matters.
10. Calendar. December 22 - Council Meeting Canceled December 24-25 - City Facilities Closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day January 1, 2016 - City Facilities Closed for New Year's Day January 12, 2016 - Next Regular Council Meeting 11. Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Executive Session. (As needed) Legal, Section 551.071. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, the Workshop Meeting and/or the Regular Agenda may be Convened into Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) 12. Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.076: Deliberation Regarding Deployment of Security Personnel and Devices. 13. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed During Executive Session. Adjournment.
Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Recognition of the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
4. Approve Minutes of the November 24, 2015, Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council. 5. Adopt an Ordinance Approving and Enacting Supplement No. 12 to the Code of Ordinances. 6. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contracts of $50,000 or More for Personal Services and Delegate Signatory Authority to a Parks and Recreation Designee to Execute Contracts for an Amount Less than $50,000, as Provided in the Approved 2016 Budget for Various Parks and Recreation Centers and Programs for an Annual Amount not to Exceed $525,090. 7. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Contracts of $50,000 or More for Personal Services and Delegate Signatory Authority to a Parks and Recreation Designee to Execute Contracts for an Amount Less than $50,000, as Provided in the Approved 2016 Budget for The Courses at Watters Creek for an Annual Amount not to Exceed $285,000.
Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend the Development and Use Regulations of Lots 2, 3R, 4 and 5, and Adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 6.862± Acre Portion of Lot 3R, Generally Located on the Northwest Corner of US 75 and Bethany Drive, and in Tracts 10A and 10B of Planned Development No. 55, for the Millennium Office Park/Allen Convention Center.
Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance to Amend Various Definitions and Sections of the Allen Land Development Code Regarding Residential Accessory Uses, Medical Office and Urgent Care Facilities, Telecommunication Towers, Parking Lot Lighting, Sign Regulations, the Recommended Tree List, and Related Matters.
10. Calendar. December 22 - Council Meeting Canceled December 24-25 - City Facilities Closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day January 1, 2016 - City Facilities Closed for New Year's Day January 12, 2016 - Next Regular Council Meeting 11. Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Executive Session. (As needed) Legal, Section 551.071. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, the Workshop Meeting and/or the Regular Agenda may be Convened into Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) 12. Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.076: Deliberation Regarding Deployment of Security Personnel and Devices. 13. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed During Executive Session. Adjournment.