Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition. 1. Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Consent Agenda. [Routine Council business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Councilmember or member of staff.] 3. Approve Minutes of the May 10, 2016, Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council. 4. Approve Minutes of the May 17, 2016, Special Meeting for the Canvass of the General, Bond and Special Local Option Elections. 5. Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Negotiated Settlement Between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division Regarding the Company's 2016 Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) Filing. 6. Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Texas Department of Transportation Plan to Reconstruct Angel Parkway (FM 2551) from East Main Street to Parker Road as a Six Lane Divided Arterial. 7. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Allen Public Art Master Plan Update 2016 Establishing a Guide for Public Art in the City of Allen. 8. Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the Provision of Demand Response Transportation Services for the Elderly and Disabled. 9. Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Purchase a Point of Sale Hardware & Software System Including Three (3) Years of Maintenance & Support for Allen Event Center and Parks and Recreation Food & Beverage Services with Bypass Mobile, LLC in the Amount of $197,453. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Four (4) Vehicle Replacements for the Allen Police and Fire Departments through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for an Amount of $114,804.70. 11. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract with G&K Services to Provide Rental and Purchase of Uniforms for the City of Allen through the Buyboard Cooperative Agreement with Two Optional One-Year Renewals for an Estimated Annual Expenditure of $85,000. 12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Mural Art Studio in the Amount of $50,000 for the Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Mosaic Enhancements at the New Ford Pool House. 13. Receive the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Reports. 14. Receive the Summary of Property Tax Collections as of April 2016.
Regular Agenda. Adopt a Resolution Establishing Rates and Fees for Commercial and Residential Solid Waste, Recycling, and Household Hazardous Waste Services.
Other Business. 16. Calendar. May 30, June 6 & 13 - Summer Sounds Concert Series, Joe Farmer Recreation Center Amphitheater, 7 p.m. 17. Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Meeting and/or the Regular Agenda may be Convened into Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) 18. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed During Executive Session. Adjournment.
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition. 1. Citizens' Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Consent Agenda. [Routine Council business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Councilmember or member of staff.] 3. Approve Minutes of the May 10, 2016, Regular Meeting of the Allen City Council. 4. Approve Minutes of the May 17, 2016, Special Meeting for the Canvass of the General, Bond and Special Local Option Elections. 5. Adopt an Ordinance Approving a Negotiated Settlement Between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division Regarding the Company's 2016 Rate Review Mechanism (RRM) Filing. 6. Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Texas Department of Transportation Plan to Reconstruct Angel Parkway (FM 2551) from East Main Street to Parker Road as a Six Lane Divided Arterial. 7. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Allen Public Art Master Plan Update 2016 Establishing a Guide for Public Art in the City of Allen. 8. Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the Provision of Demand Response Transportation Services for the Elderly and Disabled. 9. Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Purchase a Point of Sale Hardware & Software System Including Three (3) Years of Maintenance & Support for Allen Event Center and Parks and Recreation Food & Beverage Services with Bypass Mobile, LLC in the Amount of $197,453. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Four (4) Vehicle Replacements for the Allen Police and Fire Departments through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for an Amount of $114,804.70. 11. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Annual Contract with G&K Services to Provide Rental and Purchase of Uniforms for the City of Allen through the Buyboard Cooperative Agreement with Two Optional One-Year Renewals for an Estimated Annual Expenditure of $85,000. 12. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Mural Art Studio in the Amount of $50,000 for the Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Mosaic Enhancements at the New Ford Pool House. 13. Receive the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Reports. 14. Receive the Summary of Property Tax Collections as of April 2016.
Regular Agenda. Adopt a Resolution Establishing Rates and Fees for Commercial and Residential Solid Waste, Recycling, and Household Hazardous Waste Services.
Other Business. 16. Calendar. May 30, June 6 & 13 - Summer Sounds Concert Series, Joe Farmer Recreation Center Amphitheater, 7 p.m. 17. Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Meeting and/or the Regular Agenda may be Convened into Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Seeking Confidential Legal Advice from the City Attorney on any Agenda Item Listed Herein. (Closed to Public as Provided in the Texas Government Code.) 18. Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Discussed During Executive Session. Adjournment.