Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition.
Citizen's Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Presentation of Proclamations by the Office of the Mayor: Proclamation to Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Proclaiming July 2017 as "Parks and Recreation Month."
Recognition of Michael Freiberger, a Former Member of the Allen Community Development Corporation.
Consent Agenda. [Routine Council business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Councilmember or member of staff.] 5. Approve Minutes of the June 27, 2017, Regular City Council Meeting. 6. Adopt a Resolution Amending Authorized City Representatives to Conduct Transactions and Inquiries with TexPool. 7. Adopt a Resolution Amending Authorized City Representatives to Conduct Transactions and Inquiries with TexSTAR. 8. Adopt a Resolution Amending the City's Investment Policy Governing the Investment of Municipal Funds. 9. Adopt a Resolution Dedicating Twenty-Five (25) Acres of Wooded Parkland in Spirit Park as Open Space for Perpetuity. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Arena License Agreement with Allen Hockey Team LLC, dba Allen Americans, to Base a Professional ECHL Hockey Team at the Allen Event Center. 13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Software Support Agreement with TriTech Software Systems for the Renewal of Software Support for the Computer Aided Dispatch System Utilized by Public Safety in the Amount of $151,844. 14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract Amendment with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for the Annual HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for City Facilities by Increasing the Contract $48,665 to an Estimated Annual Amount of $140,000. 15. Authorize the City Manager to Purchase One Bucket Truck from Grande Truck Center through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the Amount of $107,019. 16. Accept the Resignation of Michael Freiberger and Declare a Vacancy in Place No. 3 on the Allen Community Development Corporation.
Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC, for Construction of the Watters Trail Connection Project in the Amount of $595,143.
Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC. for the Construction of the Windridge Park Project in the Amount of $413,879.
Regular Agenda. Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Development Regulations and Adopting a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and Open Space Exhibit for a portion of Planned Development No. 121; Generally Located North of Montgomery Boulevard and West of US Highway 75. [Davis at Montgomery Ridge - Urban Residential Development]
Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Adjournment.
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. Pledge of Allegiance. Public Recognition.
Citizen's Comments. [The City Council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not on the agenda or not already scheduled for Public Hearing. Prior to the meeting, please complete a "Public Meeting Appearance Card" and present it to the City Secretary. The time limit is three minutes per speaker, not to exceed a total of fifteen minutes for all speakers.]
Presentation of Proclamations by the Office of the Mayor: Proclamation to Tim Dentler, Director of Parks and Recreation Proclaiming July 2017 as "Parks and Recreation Month."
Recognition of Michael Freiberger, a Former Member of the Allen Community Development Corporation.
Consent Agenda. [Routine Council business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Councilmember or member of staff.] 5. Approve Minutes of the June 27, 2017, Regular City Council Meeting. 6. Adopt a Resolution Amending Authorized City Representatives to Conduct Transactions and Inquiries with TexPool. 7. Adopt a Resolution Amending Authorized City Representatives to Conduct Transactions and Inquiries with TexSTAR. 8. Adopt a Resolution Amending the City's Investment Policy Governing the Investment of Municipal Funds. 9. Adopt a Resolution Dedicating Twenty-Five (25) Acres of Wooded Parkland in Spirit Park as Open Space for Perpetuity. 10. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Arena License Agreement with Allen Hockey Team LLC, dba Allen Americans, to Base a Professional ECHL Hockey Team at the Allen Event Center. 13. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Software Support Agreement with TriTech Software Systems for the Renewal of Software Support for the Computer Aided Dispatch System Utilized by Public Safety in the Amount of $151,844. 14. Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract Amendment with TB2 Services, dba Aire Dynamics, Inc. for the Annual HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for City Facilities by Increasing the Contract $48,665 to an Estimated Annual Amount of $140,000. 15. Authorize the City Manager to Purchase One Bucket Truck from Grande Truck Center through the Buyboard Cooperative Purchasing Agreement in the Amount of $107,019. 16. Accept the Resignation of Michael Freiberger and Declare a Vacancy in Place No. 3 on the Allen Community Development Corporation.
Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC, for Construction of the Watters Trail Connection Project in the Amount of $595,143.
Award Bid and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract with North Rock Construction, LLC. for the Construction of the Windridge Park Project in the Amount of $413,879.
Regular Agenda. Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Development Regulations and Adopting a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and Open Space Exhibit for a portion of Planned Development No. 121; Generally Located North of Montgomery Boulevard and West of US Highway 75. [Davis at Montgomery Ridge - Urban Residential Development]
Items of Interest. [Council announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings, fundraisers, and awards.] Adjournment.