Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present Pledge of Allegiance Director’s Report 1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning items by City Council at the April 13, 2010, City Council meeting.
Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.) 2. Approve minutes of the April 6, 2010 regular meeting. 3. Final Plat – Consider a Final Plat for Wal-Mart Supercenter, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block A, being 36.218± acres situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Texas; located at the northwest corner of US75 and Exchange Parkway. (FP-3/29/10-19)
Regular Agenda 4. Public Hearing/Replat – Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat for McDermott Business Park, Lots 1 thru 5, Block A, being a Replat of Lots A, 4 and B, Block A, McDermott Business Park. The property is 3.0620± acres located south of McDermott Drive and Ash. (FP- 3/29/10-18) Executive Session (As needed) As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. Adjournment
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present Pledge of Allegiance Director’s Report 1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning items by City Council at the April 13, 2010, City Council meeting.
Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.) 2. Approve minutes of the April 6, 2010 regular meeting. 3. Final Plat – Consider a Final Plat for Wal-Mart Supercenter, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block A, being 36.218± acres situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Texas; located at the northwest corner of US75 and Exchange Parkway. (FP-3/29/10-19)
Regular Agenda 4. Public Hearing/Replat – Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat for McDermott Business Park, Lots 1 thru 5, Block A, being a Replat of Lots A, 4 and B, Block A, McDermott Business Park. The property is 3.0620± acres located south of McDermott Drive and Ash. (FP- 3/29/10-18) Executive Session (As needed) As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. Adjournment