Director's Report Receive the Director's Report on Action Taken on the Planning and Zoning Commission Items by City Council at the September 14, 2021, Regular Meeting.
(Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.) 2. Approve Minutes from the September 7, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. 3. Receive Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Status Report.
Public Hearing - Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Amend the Development Regulations of District G of Planned Development No. 108 with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use and to Adopt a Zoning Exhibit, Concept Plan, Building Elevations, Open Space Plan, Commercial Area Civic Spaces Plan, Commercial Area Enhanced Paving Exhibit, and Commercial Area Street "G" Cross Section for Approximately 35.740± Acres in the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, Generally Located at the Northeastern Corner of the Intersection of Exchange Parkway and Watters Road. [ZN-020819-0044] (Twin Creeks Watters) Adjournment
Director's Report Receive the Director's Report on Action Taken on the Planning and Zoning Commission Items by City Council at the September 14, 2021, Regular Meeting.
(Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.) 2. Approve Minutes from the September 7, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. 3. Receive Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Status Report.
Public Hearing - Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Amend the Development Regulations of District G of Planned Development No. 108 with a Base Zoning of Mixed Use and to Adopt a Zoning Exhibit, Concept Plan, Building Elevations, Open Space Plan, Commercial Area Civic Spaces Plan, Commercial Area Enhanced Paving Exhibit, and Commercial Area Street "G" Cross Section for Approximately 35.740± Acres in the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, Generally Located at the Northeastern Corner of the Intersection of Exchange Parkway and Watters Road. [ZN-020819-0044] (Twin Creeks Watters) Adjournment