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1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
3. Consent Agenda.
4.1 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit authorizing a 2,087± square foot portion of a building located on Lot 1R, Block A, The Reading Ranch Addition; generally located northeast of Exchange Parkway and Twin Creeks Drive and commonly known as 1420 Exchange Parkway, Building B, Suite 130, to be developed and used as a Medical or Dental Office. (SUP-102722-0004) [ClearLife PLLC]
4.2 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development regulations of Planned Development. No 98 with a base zoning of Single Family and adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and a Landscape Plan for Lots 1 - 18, Block A, Lots 1 - 9, Block B, and Lots 1 - 3, Block X, Ridgeview Villas, generally located south of Ridgeview Drive and 1,860± feet west of Alma Drive. (ZN-091622-0017) [Ridgeview Villas]
Nov 15, 2022 Planning and Zoning
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Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
3. Consent Agenda.
4.1 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit authorizing a 2,087± square foot portion of a building located on Lot 1R, Block A, The Reading Ranch Addition; generally located northeast of Exchange Parkway and Twin Creeks Drive and commonly known as 1420 Exchange Parkway, Building B, Suite 130, to be developed and used as a Medical or Dental Office. (SUP-102722-0004) [ClearLife PLLC]
4.2 Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development regulations of Planned Development. No 98 with a base zoning of Single Family and adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and a Landscape Plan for Lots 1 - 18, Block A, Lots 1 - 9, Block B, and Lots 1 - 3, Block X, Ridgeview Villas, generally located south of Ridgeview Drive and 1,860± feet west of Alma Drive. (ZN-091622-0017) [Ridgeview Villas]
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